The Power of Persistence: How A Strong Mindset Fuels Business Growth

Recently in my coaching client calls I've noticed that mindset and trying to hang in there when it comes to a business can be challenging for a lot of people. I have also found that recently I have had to work on my mindset after experiencing many changes and ups and downs in my own business. These experiences have reminded me of the power of mindset and how building that resilience and that strength within yourself is what's going to make you successful. I think that's part of the reason why so many businesses fail is because people don't realise how hard it is. They try a couple of different things and it doesn't work, and so they just give up on the business. I really wanted to talk about mindset in this episode because I’m here to support you in strengthening your mindset so that you can make it to the finish line and be happy and feeling comfortable within your business. 

In this episode I cover:

  • How overcoming challenges is the key to success in business

  • A recent experience of rejection that helped me build resilience

  • The necessity of being innovative and adaptable in business to stay ahead of the curve

  • Why I value having a growth mindset and how it has helped me build a growth-oriented company culture

Sign up for my Scale Up Masterclass here.


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