How I Worked Myself Out Of The Day-To-Day Running Of My Business

I am so excited because today is episode number 50! This is a huge milestone and I'm so excited that you guys are here listening with me. In my private coaching I am often asked how I was able to step back from running my salon business on a day-to-day basis. They want to know how have stepped back from running my business day to day, to being more behind the scenes and having the business continue to make money while I'm sleeping or even while I'm on holidays. So today I'm going to walk you through step by step how I've been able to do that and how you can do that in your business as well, if that is something that is a part of your vision.

In this episode I cover:

  • The challenges I faced in the early days of running a salon

  • Keeping your vision at the forefront of every decision you make

  • Why systems and processes are key to scaling and stepping back from the day-to-day operations

  • How I am open and honest with my team about my vision of stepping back

Connect with my podcast manager Em: @studio.soluna

Visit Em’s website: 


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